Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Living out of a Suitcase

There’s no place like where all your stuff is. As it is, I think my wardrobe at home is too small. It’s not possible to fit everything into a suitcase! Especially if you’re heading to a country in cold weather. A different scenario all together if it’s a beach holiday for sun-worshipping, of which I’ll usually throw in a few bikinis (yes, a FEW for variety) and my skimpiest clothes..

It’s about time I start packing for my coming hol.. (or at least start thinking about it). And I usually don’t enjoy that task. How do you decide in advance what to wear for the next 10 days?? I usually can’t even decide what to wear to work in the morning before leaving for work.

Imagine staring into your suitcase and not having much choice apart from the few clothing you managed to cram in and having bout of regrets for not bringing along for instance that pink top that would go well with your mood for the day. Or in desperate times, I have attempted to exchange clothes with my travel buddy after we both stared into our respective suitcases for a good 5 minutes and yet couldn’t decide on which of the few haven’t been ‘recycled’ items in it to pull out.

As much as I love travelling, living out of a suitcase often caused me unnecessary anxiety. Ok, ok, don’t shoot me for ranting. Yes, YES, the travel experiences always prevail over this minor issue!

10 more days to go….


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Your speed to post a blog is really accelerating. This morning, it was only the Turning Over A New Leaf!

Anonymous said...

And stop complaining!!!! U are going to get your blue sky and visit ur twin sister (hello kitty) sooooooooonn!!!